* Anticipation

When you're a grown up, true suprises don't happen that often. When they do happen, often they come with the news of a loved one, friend or coworker who is not doing well. When you're a kid, suprises seem to happen all the time. Your parents want to make you happy & they give you things & take you places & they thrill in suprising you.

Well I feel like a kid because I'm suprised every week with the treasures people bring to me to create something special for them. It's fun & I'm frequently suprised. My latest project combines objects collected all around the world from her many travels & adventures.

This week I'm feeling giddy with the anticipation for my upcoming article in the May issue of 202 Magazine. It has me on the edge of my seat, hoping it's a good one. Hoping the pictures look good & I sound well spoken. Hoping I didn't embarass my boys when I spoke about them. Hoping I didn't get cut from the issue.

It's due to come out in the next few days and no matter how it looks or turns out, it will be a suprise to me.



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