The annual button show hosted by The Arizona State Button Society did not disappoint. I met up with friends Nancy & Vickie at the Hilton Garden Inn in Avondale. I was on a tight schedule and didn’t get to attend any of the mini classes they offered. We enjoyed searching for treasures together. We all have our favorites. The .
This is going to be a colorful show. Flowers & fragrance will abound. I can’t wait to bring new items. I’m inspired to create with vibrant hues. I gathered gorgeous vintage butons from the recent Arizona State Button Show & I can’t wait to create with them. Please say hello if you attend and see me in the boutique. .
25 Amazingly Creative Ways To Repurpose Vintage Jewelry What a thrill to see one of my DIY crafts chosen for a TOP 25 list within Country Living Magazine.

Last Saturday we had record breaking numbers attend the Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market at WestWorld. VIP’s entered at 7:30am followed by early entry for $10 at 8am and general admission at 10am. There was live music & yummy food trucks. The atmoshere was electric. I’m guessing 10K people attended. If your coming to the May 2nd show .
I’ve had two BIG surprises this week! The 1st came when I saw my photo spread in the August edition of Rock Thiz Magazine. They posted a teaser of it on their facebook homepage and I just happened to see it while scrolling on Facebook. Rock Thiz Magazine editor Lisa Snyder contacted me about being in her magazine back .
I recently taught my first Buttons 101 Class & it was hosted @JAM, a boutique in old town Scottsdale. These lovely ladies came together & we made lots of cool buttons projects and they gave some away as gifts. I loved seeing what they wrote on the gift cards. I find it interesting to see the button combinations they picked. Also, I think .
In June Dad & I were featured on the Fox10 Morning Show with Kristen Anderson. It was a great experience & I only choked up once. Whew! Next time I’ll sit more lady like but for the most part I’m really happy with it. The bummer is that I didn’t download it to a dvd & it’s no longer available for viewing. Crikey, .
Last week I asked my dad to make me a sandwich board to place on the street pointing guests to my trunk show. I thought it would be a two hour project. I was wrong. I thought it would be a easy. It wasn't. Dad sketched it out on graph paper, found wood in hubbys shop, I went to Home .
I'm almost at the one year mark & Ruby Mae Jewelry has been growing by leaps & bounds. New clients, new vendors, new events & now more media. Last week was media driven with advertising options set before me. When & how should I advertise my business. What format & what budget.Social versus print versus internet. I've learned to .