THANK YOU shoppers, clients and online community for all of your likes, comments, purchases and event attendance. Without all of you, Ruby Mae Jewelry would just be a hobby and not a growing small business. There’s 7 ways to sell jewelry and I do 7/8. The 7 are: local events, own a website, online platforms like Etsy, brick & .
This September was the 10 year anniversary of Junk In the Trunk Vintage Market. I’m proud to share I have participated in every Scottsdale market they’ve held with the exception of two. I missed the very first backyard one and a November show because my son competed at the State meet for dive. I believe they’ve held 17 Westworld .
My friend Nancy and I look forward to attending the annual button show in Avondale, Arizona each year. It’s held at the Hilton Garden Inn each February and is hosted by the AZ State Button Society. This year was just as fun as past years. We started the morning by attending a short class on Cricket Cage buttons. I .
There’s more then just rocks at the annual Gem & Mineral Show held in Tucson, Arizona. The 2 week event is held in over 45 venues around town. It is the largest, oldest and most prestigious gem and mineral show in the world. TheTucson Gem and Mineral Show® has enjoyed international stature since the 1970s, and was the first gem .

What a terrific show we had at WestWorld In April. Vendor load in happened over 3 days from Wednesday to Friday. The event kicked off Friday evening from 5-9pm. Shoppers paid $50 in advance or $65 at the door and they had the first picks from all of the booths. They also got a FREE drink coupon that included .
February is a terrific month in Arizona artists. We get the Tucson Gem Show, The Arizona State Button Show and Valentines Day is our statehood anniversary. This year I traveled to Tucson with friends. Altho the two week show is held in over 40 venues, we focused on The Gem Mall, Holidome, Jogs and Kents Tools. It’s terrific to .
The annual button show hosted by The Arizona State Button Society did not disappoint. I met up with friends Nancy & Vickie at the Hilton Garden Inn in Avondale. I was on a tight schedule and didn’t get to attend any of the mini classes they offered. We enjoyed searching for treasures together. We all have our favorites. The .
This is going to be a colorful show. Flowers & fragrance will abound. I can’t wait to bring new items. I’m inspired to create with vibrant hues. I gathered gorgeous vintage butons from the recent Arizona State Button Show & I can’t wait to create with them. Please say hello if you attend and see me in the boutique. .
The recent Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market at Westworld did not disappoint. There were so many fun shoppers & great treausres to be found. I had a photo gallery of artwork from a 1950’s student named Elizabeth Finkler. On the back of some of the drawings were signatures from teachers and occasionally their grades. These were popular at .