The recent Junk In The Trunk Vintage Market at Westworld did not disappoint. There were so many fun shoppers & great treausres to be found. I had a photo gallery of artwork from a 1950’s student named Elizabeth Finkler. On the back of some of the drawings were signatures from teachers and occasionally their grades. These were popular at .
I couldn’t resist taking a class on medieval buttons and how they were discovered. It was totally fascinating. It was presented by Janelle Giles . She has been collecting Buttons for over 40 years and she has a popular Facebook page called Button Central. Some time back Janelle was in Paris for work. She went outside on a break and .
“Twitter puts your face & business in front of infuential people who would never see you otherwise”. This is the sage advice from my social media director Bev Lefebvre of One Less Hat and I’ve taken it to heart. Plus, it’s free advertising & networking. It helps if you have a smart phone so you can post on the fly. I use .